Terms Of Website Use

This website (“Website”) is the property of and is operated by AKA Pro Audio NZ Limited (“We”/”Us”).

By accessing this website and using the services offered within, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions hereby setout which we reserve the right to modify without notice. If you do not wish to be bound by any of these terms and conditions, then you should not use this website or services.

This website contains text, images, videos and audio files that are owned by us or are licensed to us. You are able to access and display the aforementioned content and print (or retain an electronic copy) for your own non-commercial use.

You are not authorized to adapt, copy, distribute, perform, publish to the public and part of this sites content nor commercialize anything obtained from this site. 

You must be at least 18 years of age to use the Services.

You or the entity that you have the authority to bind in relation to the services indicated within the website and are solely responsible for data, text and other information (material) submitted by you to us, so that those professional audio services such as equipment supply and acoustic consultancy, as set-out in the website, can take place.

You agree that any material that you send to us does not infringe any applicable law in respect to any trademark, patent, other proprietary right or intellectual property and as such you warrant and represent that the material that we require to complete the services is material for which you control absolute copyrights. As such you agree to indemnity and hold harmless AKA Pro Audio NZ Limited, its Directors, Agents and Associates from any claims, losses, expenses or damages including reasonable legal fees resulting out of any claim against you through this agreement.

As such, you agree that you will use this website in the manner it was intended and that the services offered by AKA Pro Audio via this website are as indicated or available. You take full responsibility for the use of this website and the services offered within and agree not use this website in a way that will bring disrepute to the website or us this website other than for the commercial purpose it was created by Us.

AKA Pro Audio NZ Limited retains the right to stop or modify services at any time without notice

Any pricing indicated within this website will be subject to a goods service tax (GST) depending on the Country in which the service takes place. If the notion of a GST is applicable then the prevailing rate will be added to any pricing as indicated in the website. As such prices are indicated without GST.

Please read our Privacy Policy available here.

As per the full extent allowable by law, AKA Pro Audio NZ Limited, its directors, officers, agents and engineers providing the services to you or associates are not responsible or liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out the use of this website.

Whilst we will endeavor to ensure that all the services and functions within this website are error free, we do not warrant that the services, the website or servers available to you via the internet will be virus free. As such, and by agreeing to use our services, you warrant that you will assume all the costs of repair or maintenance of any damage caused to your equipment during connection or use of our services.

Notwithstanding the provisions within this Terms and Conditions of Use you agree that the maximum aggregate liability of AKA Pro Audio NZ Limited to you arising from any claims that you may have in relation to the services as set out in the website will be limited to the amount equal to the amount paid by you for those services. This does not affect your statutory rights if you are a consumer.

Both parties are allowed to terminate at any point by simple notification by email.

The governing law of this agreement and claims made be they direct or indirect arising out of this agreement shall be in accordance with the laws of Australia and as such you agree that the Courts of the State of New South Wales shall be used in relation to any disputes arising through this agreement.

Each provision of this Agreement is hereby declared to be separate, severable and distinct.

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Us and you and any previous agreements, be they oral or written are expressly cancelled.

This agreement does not constitute a joint venture, partnership or agency relationship, and no intention to create any such relationship through this agreement exists.

Under the Third Parties Act 1999, nothing as set out in these terms of website use is intended to give any beneficial rights to any third party / parties or enforce any of its provisions.

We will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to provide our obligations under the terms and conditions as set out due to force majeure and therefore beyond our reasonable control.